Did you know that you are required by law to install a solar water heating system if your daily consumption of hot water exceeds 100 litres? Solar water heating works by trapping the energy received from the sun and using it to heat the water in the collector of the solar water heater. You can get a flat plate solar water heater or a vacuum tube solar water heater. The solar water heaters can be closed loop if your water supply is corrosive or open loop if your water is soft.

Contact us for an assessment of your home or business and we will install the system for you. The solar water heaters come in sizes of 150ltrs, 170ltrs, 200ltrs, or 300ltrs depending on the demand for hot water. If more water is required then we will install a cenralised system that can produce much more hot water. Solar water heaters help reduce electricity bills. Contact us and get yours today!